Ynot gobeithiai'n tadau ni

Ynot gobeithiai'n tadau ni,
  A thydi oedd eu bwcled:
Ymddiried ynot, Arglwydd hael,
  Ac felly cael ymwared.

Llefasant drwy ymddiried gynt, 
  Da fuost iddynt, Arglwydd: 
Eu hachub hwynt a wnaethost ti, 
  Rhag cyni, a rhag gw'radwydd.

Trigolion byd a dro'nt yn rhwydd 
  At yr Arglwydd, pan gofiant: 
A holl dylwythau'r ddaear hon 
  Dont ger ei fron, ymgrymant.
Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

[Mesur: MS 8787]

Fy Nuw 'rwy'n llefain tithau heb
Oddi wrthyf fi yn bell na ddos
Trigolion byd a drônt yn rhwydd

(Psalm 22)
In thee our fathers trusted,
  And thou wast their buckler:
Trusted in thee, generous Lord,
  And thus got deliverance.

They cried through trust of old,
  Good thou wast to them, Lord:
Save them thou didst,
  From straits, and from shame.

The world's inhabitants shall turn freely
  To the Lord, when they remember:
And all the tribes of this earth
  Shall come before him, and bow down.
tr. 2022 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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